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Welcome to Montessori School of Phuket!

Come and visit our classrooms at Boat Plaza Phuket, located behind Ikea. Watch the children in action. All parents are welcome to observe the children working and playing.

Facilities include the classrooms, garden, football fields and swimming pool.

We provide free consultations to all expecting parents (enrolled or not) on how to set up your home for a new baby. We provide information on the sensitive periods and weaning amongst other things.


Why is Observation Important in Montessori?

Observation is a tool for us to better understand our children, see things through their eyes, and look at how we can support them in the best way. We are learning to follow the child, accept them for who they are, and we will set kind, clear limits if needed.



  1. Due to separation anxiety, we do not allow parents to observe their own child in the classroom but, you are very welcome to observe before the start of your child’s enrollment.
  2. Sit quietly in one of the designated observer’s chairs. You can move from one chair to another if you want to change your point of view.
  3. You may use a pencil/pen and notepad to note any observations, comments or questions you may have.
  4. The main point to remember is that you are here to observe the classroom and how it functions on a daily basis. Obviously, you are not expected to ignore the children if they talk to you, but we do ask that you refrain from engaging them in conversation. If children are questioning you, you can give a response such as “I am going to continue working on my notes quietly now.”
  5. Please do not take pictures or use your phone during your time in the class.
  1. Notice the overall mood of the classroom. Do the children and adults seem glad to be there?
  2. Look for qualities of independence, self-discipline, self-direction, attention, concentration, and joy.
  3. Observe one child of each age in the classroom.
  4. The children go about choosing work in a variety of ways. Are they adult directed, peer directed or independently selected.
  5. Look for the style of discipline the adults use. Is it positive, helpful and respectful?
  6. Recognize the social interactions that take place.



    After School programs


    Years Established

    Get In Touch

    Location: Boat Plaza Phuket

    Telephone: +66 80 574 4384

    School Hours: M-F: 8am – 4pm

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